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George's Aloe Vera

Get Reacquainted with an Old Remedy: George's Aloe Vera

A 2015 study published in the Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences shows that many vitamins and minerals in aloe have been identified as responsible for imparting health benefits. Others nutrients found in aloe include choline, folic acid, alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene. Further, the gel contains 19 of the 20 required amino acids and seven of the eight that are considered essential. If ingested:

1. Treats constipation- a digestive cleanser, relieves constipation
2. Controls blood sugar levels- A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics reports that aloe vera has potential for controlling blood sugar levels for people with both prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes.
3. Provides vitamin C- Noted as vital for health, vitamin C is an important ingredient in aloe vera as it's both a natural antioxidant and helps combat inflammation. An 8-ounce serving of aloe vera juice contains 9.1 milligrams of vitamin C.

All Aloes Are Not the Same as George's Aloe Vera, which is grown under organic conditions, has over 200 beneficial components and has been shown in scientific studies to:
Reduce postoperative pain.
Help wound healing by increasing the strength of healing tissues.
Act as an anti-inflammatory agent. Inhibit infectious diseases by stimulating the cells in the host defense mechanism. Increase re-epithelialization in burn wounds.
Act empirically in birds as a strong benefit for emotionally stressed birds, feather pickers and birds needing an immune tonic.

Aloe Vera Contains:
Naturally-occurring Antioxidants: Vitamins C & E and vitamin A precursors
Bradykinase: Reduces excessive inflammation when applied to skin
Mucopolysaccharides: Immunoregulating effect
• Anthraquinones: Aloin and emodin, which are phenolic compounds found in plant sap (these compounds have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties.)
Saponins: Antiseptic-antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal properties
• Campesterol, Sisosterol, Lupeol: Plant steroids that may provide an anti-inflammatory effect
• Salicyclic Acid: Provides an anti-inflammatory effect
• Amino Acids
• Lignin: Endows aloe vera with its penetrative effect and carries other ingredients
• Is a “Cooling Herb”: Most feather and skin conditions are referred to as “warm” disorders

How to Use Aloe Mist for Feathers and Skin Conditions
Mix 2 Tablespoon George's Aloe Vera oral liquid with 1 pint (2 cups) RO (Reverse Osmosis) or Britta filtered water*, or trusted, premium commercial drinking water. Store in a glass and mist 3 times a day with a fine mist sprayer.
* Most tap water has agricultural (fertilizer, weed killers, insecticides), pharmaceutical or microplastic contaminants, therefore, bottled drinking water is recommended.

How to Make an Aloe Vera Drink
Add 2 Tablespoons George's Aloe Vera liquid to 2 cups RO, Britta-filtered water or trusted, premium commercial drinking water.
Store and serve in a glass bowl or water bottle. Use as drinking water for birds needing support in fighting any illness or high stress situation; it is especially effective for GI upsets of any kind. This therapy should be discontinued or the solution should be diluted further if the bird becomes depressed or lethargic. If a bird does not improve within 48 hours of initiating therapy, the preparation should be considered ineffective and discontinued.

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2 reviews for GEORGE’S ALOE VERA


    Amazing product, all the feathers on my cockatiel grew back!

  2. admin

    I just wanted to reach out and say thank you. Our 29 year old Moluccan is a rescue, and lived a horrible life before us. He has been a plucker for years, and turned into self-mutilation a few years back. Our vet said he has PTSD. We tried meds and they didn’t work. He’s now been on the Fauna Flora and aloe water for a couple of months, and the wound on his chest is now 1/3 of the size it was. And he has floof feathers growing on his back and chest. I’m holding off being too excited, but I am cautiously optimistic right now. Thank you for that. It is amazing to see him responding like this.

    Melinda I.

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