The Results Speak For Themselves

My old, blind, wild caught, and very “hands off!” Blue and Gold macaw Sammy, who is in her late 50s, suffered a disabling stroke a few months ago. One of the after effects was her forgetting she needed to eat and failing to recognize even her favorite foods.  Sammy is a very gaunt bird to begin with so it was critical to get nutrition into her if she was to have any hope of recovering.

Harrisons’s Recovery Formula to the rescue!  I wasn’t at all sure I could hand feed her, she’s not tame, and if she was ever hand fed, it was a more than a half century ago. Fortunately, once she got her first taste of Recovery, she liked it and while feeding an old macaw may be even messier than feeding a chick, her liking the taste sure helped!  She spent weeks in an ICU, slowing regaining use of her feet and legs, while the Recovery Formula bought her the time she needed to recover. It’s taken a few months, but she’s now back to normal, thanks to this life-saving product.


“When I first got Ziggy, I took her to a veterinarian who worked with “exotic” animals. Ziggy had been eating a store-brand of bird seed that included peanuts. It was fun to watch her eat them and she loved them. HOWEVER, the veterinarian told me I should be giving her pellets and recommended Harrison’s High Potency.  At the next visit the veterinarian said she could tell Ziggy had more muscle and less fat. It was easy to change Ziggy’s diet and I had her on the High Potency for several years. I am now mixing the high potency with the Fine Adult Lifetime pellets. She has been very healthy – which is good when there are NO avian doctors within MILES of where we now live.

Darci B.

"Great Green" the bird

“I have used the recovery with the Great Green since the 11th. She is back to her normal self now and eating like a champ!! She also fledged Tuesday, which really let me know she was feeling better. I started her on it because she wasn’t acting like herself. Not flapping her wings or talking. She is back to doing all the things!! It is amazing to see the difference in her.


Juvenile Hand-Feeding Formula

“As veterinary students, interested in avian medicine, I did spend a lot of time at the Institute for poultry diseases. Poultry are birds too 😊


So, 50 years ago so much was already known within poultry medicine about a wide variety of diseases/symptoms caused by deficiencies.


A very well-known disease in chickens is encephalomalacia, caused by Vitamin E deficiency.


It can cause a variety of pathological changes within the cerebellum, including necrotic spots. The symptoms of Vitamin E deficiency can be very serious and reason for death.


Besides symptoms caused by magnesium deficiency and/ or Vitamin E deficiency, we also need to consider a deficiency in Selenium.


As always, when we are dealing with malnutrition there is always a variety of symptoms, caused by a variety of deficiencies.


For that reason I always loved to treat birds, suspected of deficiencies, by force feeding Juvenile formula of Harrison’s Bird Food. I have seen miracles in birds that looked like they are dying because of central nervous problems, epileptic seizures, muscle spasms, torticollis and so on.


The treatment, most of the time, is just doing what had to be done to prevent the problem.


Jan Hooimeijer

“My Quaker loves Harrison’s and my Meyers is fine with it if I’m short on her food. My Quaker no longer barbers and was Parrot Forums February calendar bird. He looks great and his feathering, it so improved. It’s nice to have a pelleted diet as I’m not always healthy and up to preparing mash. But Harrison’s guarantees that they get good nutrition daily!

Heather Gerbyshak
Willow Quaker

“Our Senegal parrot named Toula, really likes your pellets. So much so, that she has now learnt where they are kept, and will climb right in the packet to obtain the pellets! ………… might like the photo of Toula’s big booty enjoying your product!


“Just to let you know that my Grey has now tried the bird bread, which was a real hit and he loved it! My son and I pretended we were eating it first, which of course got him interested. He has also been really enjoying the mash, which I have been mixing with other tasty treats. I’ve been starting to incorporate some of the coarse nuggets into it and into his old pellets and have seen him eating them too. I think all the resources you sent have been really helpful. Thank you.

Susan W.

Hu Gau

“My Cockatoos have only relied on Harrison’s Bird Food from hand-feeding stage until now. They are 11 years old and have tried most formulas. From Juvenile to HPC, ALC, PLC, PEP and ALM. Please keep providing healthy, reliable bird food!

Ha Gau

“Attached are photos capturing the joyful moments of my bird enjoying Harrison’s .
I appreciate your ongoing commitment to providing high-quality, organic bird food.

Sissy from Shanghai

I have attached some pictures to share with you all! The white dove (Daddy) is a rescue (was horrifically thrown at a wedding as a fledgling 😔) & is now over 15 years old! 🥰 Been with me since high school. Family. I owe it to Harrison’s Bird Food!


The turquoise GCC (Cosmo) is 6 years old. He was purchased from a reputable breeder (hand raised) in Nashville.

Keep making great food/treats!! We appreciate you!!! ❤️

Cynthia Beer
Daddy & Cosmo

“This is my 18 year old Great Bill named Gus. We adopted this sweet boy from our local bird shelter, The Gabriel Foundation, in 2020, where he was the ambassador. We have one other Great Bill, an African Grey and a Senegal. My entire flock has always been on Harrison’s foods. Thank you for making such a great bird food.

Nadine Ellison

“Athena with Harrison’s Bird Food and her beak!

Dr. Irene Pepperberg

“You really need to market recovery to waterfowl vets and rehabbers. They go nuts over it! I have a bird that will not eat chicken feed, any Harrison’s, or greens..nothing. I started syringe feeding her Recovery and she grabs the syringe to suck it down. So, I just started to fill a small bowl for her a few times per day and the bowl is clean as a whistle when she’s done with it. She came from a bad situation, and she has not wanted to eat anything! No chicken feed, no Harrison’s Fine or Superfine, no lettuce, corn, or sprouts..not even a piece of bread. In the beginning she didn’t even drink water. I started syringe feeding her Recovery. She went nuts over it.

Kim Danoff, DVM
Paws to Heal Veterinary Services

“On February 2017, I was up late looking for a companion bird after my canary passed. My online search led to a pop up that said think adoption first. I clicked on the pop up that took me to I narrowed the animals listed for adoption by state. I stopped when I came across Kirby’s ad. He was 7mo at the time and looking for a forever home. I knew immediately that he had to be mine. My mom and I drove three hours to meet Kirby not knowing if he would bite our face off. At first sight, Kirby looked like a dusty old discolored book.
Without knowing me he quickly climbed up my arm towards my shoulder as if saying, “I don’t know who you are but get me the hell out of here!” He then accepted a head scratch and that’s when I knew I would be taking him home with me. Kirby rode on my shoulder the entire way back happily looking out the window and amusing us with his talking abilities. I took him to the avian vet the next morning for a full evaluation including a blood workup. I knew I had a long road ahead nursing him back to good health. His wings were chewed up and had a crooked toe almost as if a small dog had mauled Kirby. He had been on an all seed diet his entire short life and never had a fruit or vegetable in his life.

Kirby didn’t know what a bath was as he was only given water via a hamster water bottle nor did he know what toys were. Kirby started plucking shortly after I adopted him. We rushed him to his avian vet who explained plucking behaviors in birds who have a history of neglect and poor diet. I changed his diet to Harrison’s organic pellets and give him fresh chop everyday. He learned to love his showers and even learned to say “shower time.” His favorite toys are bells and he is addicted to his bird heater. I’m so fortunate to have found Kirby and just can’t imagine my life without him. He’s not only my dream bird but my best friend!

Thank you Harrison’s for making top quality products and restoring my best friend back to his healthy self!”

Anna R.



“I’ve used @harrisonsbirdfoods for 30 yrs for all my birds. They have a product called “Recovery” that I’m pretty new to but it is AMAZING! When my second bird got sick from mold, my vet told me to start using it. She absolutely LOVED it and immediately started putting on weight and perking up. I noticed that it shows pics of a bird, rodent and reptile on the bag so when Jupiter got sick, I asked if he could have it and the vet said yes. He LOVES it!!! As you see in the video. Lol. It has lots of great ingredients in it and the animals can’t wait to take it. Win win! I add a little bit of it to my birds medication and she eats it right up. They cannot resist the stuff. So next time your critter is sick, ask your vet about it. You have to buy it through the Harrison’s website. Which anybody can buy from there. It’s not through the vet or anything. I will definitely be a lifelong user of this stuff. I sound like a sales person but I just really wanted others to know about this product. I’ve used this company for years and had no idea that this stuff existed until the vet mentioned it. I had always used other supplements. If you turn the volume up on the video, you will hear my bird talking. She likes to be on my shoulder when I am feeding the hamsters in the morning now and she had just had her supplement but she thought she should have the hamsters too so she kept saying hi to be cute and get more of it! Lol. I’m holding the syringe up because for some reason, he drips more of it when he’s down, so he likes to stand up and eat it. He spends a lot of time actually up on his hind legs to begin with. He reminds me of a little bear and it is really cute. Anyway, I just thought I would share that information with everybody and I thought that you might think the video was cute not only seeing him , taking his supplements, but hearing my bird talking also.”

#dwarfhmasterofinstagam #greatproduct #harrisonsbirdfood


Dr. med. vet. Friedrich Janeczek and his wife Monika Janeczek run the Veterinary practice limited to parrots in Germany since 1989. They have imported the complete range of Harrison’s Bird Foods to Germany since 1991, as they are fully convinced about the high quality of Harrison’s premium certified organic pet bird foods.



“Grey is disabled and cannot walk or fly. Watkins and Tasker Vets recommended we feed him Harrison’s Bird Foods and make Harrison’s Bird Bread cupcakes!
Thank you Amy B. @Watkins and Tasker Vets

– Charlotte

“Here’s a video showing how much we appreciate your bird food!”

– Jessica Katz
Chicagoland Exotic Animal Rescue

“I want to let everyone know that my beloved bird Lory is 15 years old and has been doing well with Harrison’s Adult Lifetime. When my Lory got iron storage disease, I was feeding him on lory food but I was feeding her fruit high in vitamin C. Since Harrison is now doing well at Adult Life Fine. He turned 15.”

– Dr. Reiko Soga

“Eating Omega Bird Bread and loving it!”

– Shaila Coker
Greenbean, Ghost, Lola, Tony, Scar and Casper

“Robin is a beautiful sparrow rescued after his nest fell days after he was born. Since then, we have cared for him by feeding him mainly Harrison’s Bird Food Papiyas, varying it according to his life stage. He has grown in a healthy and happy way, which is why we believe that Harrison’s foods have largely been key in his development. We are very grateful to have found your products on display at our trusted veterinarian’s clinic.

– Alba and Arturo

“Over the years I have seen yeast problems that are mostly correlated to immunosuppressive conditions.

Malnutrition is a major reason. Changing to HBD does wonders in birds that have been treated with all the medications in the book.”

– Dr. Jan Hooimeijer

“My cockatiel is now 31 years-old and I give credit to Harrison’s. I did not know cockatiels could live that long!”

– D. Boice

– Todd Driggers
Avian and Exotic Animal Clinic of Arizona

“The couple on the tree branch are Zazu (grey male, born around March/April 2013) and Twixie (lutino female, born around March/April 2014). Around 2013/14, I started transitioning Zazu to a pellet diet. I used another brand of pellets that was readily available in pet stores in my country (Portugal). It smelled strongly of apples, and Zazu was struggling with them. I found an online pet store that carried Harrison’s ( and they shipped to my country, so I tried it. Zazu enjoyed it so much that he ate until his crop bulged! I had never seen him with a bulging crop! I never looked back, and they’ve all eaten Harrison’s nuggets ever since.”

– Soraia Cost
Zazu & Twixie


“I personally am grateful to Harrison’s. In 2017, my Hannah was eggbound due to extremely low calcium from an inappropriate diet. It was not bad food, just wrong for an African Grey. I got Hannah in 2001 and much of the information we know today was not available at that time.
No one was talking about pellets or yearly check-ups and lab work with an avian vet. Dr. Julianne Vickstrom brilliantly saved Hannah’s life. The next step was to get her eating Harrison’s. Honestly, she furiously threw those pellets back at me for 3 months. Then one day she began eating them just like that! She loves her Harrison’s Adult Lifetime Coarse and even grabs the bag out of my hand!

Harrison’s has completely turned Hannah’s health around.
Once again in June, Hannah’s lab work (including ionized calcium) and heart ultrasound were excellent! Many thanks.”

– Joannie & Hannah


“I wanted to share the amazing transformation that Harrison’s has done for my rescue Alexandrine. Her feathers were in horrible shape from a cheap seed diet. I converted her to Harrison’s and magic happened! The transformation has been incredible.”

– Joanie Busbi

“Buddy before and after. She was featherless and bleeding. It took me a week to transition her from sunflower seeds to Harrison’s High Potency Fine. She now eats Harrison’s nuggets and flies around my house. I rescued her on March 11,2018 and she’s a VERY happy bird. She’s the love of my life.” 

-Wanda Lynn

“Kayla would eat the entire bag of Recovery if I let her. She was very sick from Aspergillus in our home (didn’t know we had it till I lost my other 27-year-old bird). She lost a bunch of weight and this stuff put her weight back on in no time. She absolutely loves it. When she sees me coming with it, she goes “mmmm”!!!!”


“Recovery has made such a huge difference in how we’ve been able to treat sick ferrets and maintain chronic ones. It truly is part of our daily arsenal.”

– Cathy Johnson-Delaney, DVM
Mukilteo Washington State

Cockatiel starvation and liver disease recovery from 66g to a healthy 100g.

-The Wonky Flock

Yellow bibbed Lory pluck Recovery.

-The Wonky Flock

One-month elderly lovebird plucking Recovery.

-The Wonky Flock

– N. Karabulet

“Harrison’s Bird Foods is the number one brand we offer our parrots in our Parrot Ambassadors Program – an outreach program reaching thousands of families and children across Western Washington. Our foraging product, Parrot Pockets, was designed with the Harrison’s Adult Lifetime diet in mind. We have seen great results in our birds with this diet, including the ability to feed this diet to our more sensitive species, the eclectus. We have never seen to tapping, have seen improved feather condition and more. I cannot recommend this extruded diet enough.”

– Debbie Goodrich-Delaney, DVM
President, Flight Club Foundation

“I only wish more rescues would give Harrison’s a try. I really do think it has helped some of my many beat up old birds hang in there, despite decades of extremely poor nutrition. No, it can’t undo the harm, but it can slow its progression. ”

– Judith 
Parrot Posse

– M. Perkins


“Missy and Malec are back from holiday. We were fortunate to receive many samples from @harrisonsbirdfoods for our parrots, big and small, to enjoy. Today, Harrison’s Power Treats went down well! Free flying requires top condition, good stamina and good diet rich in nutrients. Harrison’s Powers Treats are made from many organic ingredients and make a great reward!”

– M. Perkins

“Kira is a 17 year old Blue-Fronted Amazon from Orange County, CA. She was originally going to be sold by a pet store in 2006, but the owner fell in love with her and kept her as his own. Unfortunately, he passed away in 2009, so the daughter took over ownership. I started working at the pet store in February 2018 and noticed that Kira was severely overweight (545g), plucked her feathers, and was scared. Her diet consisted of only seeds and human junk food. I adopted her and instantly introduced her to Harrison’s. Six months later, she had new feathers on her stomach and neck. Five years later, all of her feathers have grown back, she is down to a healthy weight (442g), and is the sweetest, mostly cuddly girl. She has 3 brothers (a Caique, a Green Cheek Conure, and a Lab/Golden mix), loves Nat King Cole, and toys with coconut shells.”

– Cassidy Williams